Risk Disclaimer
Trading cryptocurrencies involves a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before using Copin, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, financial situation, needs, and level of experience. Copin provides general advice and does not take into account your specific goals, financial condition, or needs. The content provided on this platform should not be regarded as personal financial advice. There is a possibility that you may sustain losses that exceed your deposited funds, so you should not speculate with capital you cannot afford to lose. Ensure that you are fully aware of all the risks associated with trading on margin. Seek professional financial advice if needed before engaging in any trading activities on the Copin platform.
Using an internet-based deal-execution trading system like Copin comes with inherent risks. These include risks related to potential hardware, software, and internet connectivity failures. Copin does not control signal strength, internet reception, or routing, and cannot influence usersβ hardware configurations or the reliability of their internet connections. As a result, Copin cannot be held responsible for communication failures, delays, or distortions that may occur during trading. Traders should be fully aware of these risks when making investment decisions on the Copin platform.
When creating a Smart Wallet to use the Decentralized Copy Trading (DCP) service on Copin, users should be aware of potential security risks. A Smart Wallet is a blockchain-based wallet managed by smart contracts, and while designed to provide enhanced functionality, it is still vulnerable to security breaches such as hacking, smart contract vulnerabilities, or unauthorized access. Users are responsible for safeguarding their private keys and ensuring the security of their wallets. Any compromise of your wallet's private key could result in a complete loss of assets, and Copin cannot be held responsible for any such losses.
Additionally, smart contracts carry their own risks. These include unforeseen coding errors or vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. While Copin strives to ensure the security and reliability of its platform, it cannot guarantee the absolute safety of the Smart Wallet or the funds within it. Users must acknowledge and assume all risks related to the creation and use of Smart Wallets for decentralized copy trading.
The Copy Trading Service on Copin enables users to follow selected traders' activities, copy their trading strategies, and access their performance history, rankings, risk profiles, and other relevant information. However, subscribing to this service means that you take full responsibility for your investment decisions. You should conduct your own research to ensure that a particular trade or strategy aligns with your financial objectives and risk tolerance. Copin does not offer financial advice, and using the Copy Trading Service should not be considered as such.
By subscribing to the Copy Trading Service, you acknowledge the risks associated with copying another traderβs account and strategies. You are solely responsible for relying on information provided by third-party traders. Copy trading carries inherent risks, and you could experience significant losses. When using the Copy Trading Service, you do so at your own risk, and Copin will not be liable for any losses incurred as a result of your participation in the service.
By clicking "I agree," you authorize the platform to execute all trades and positions initiated by the trader, account, portfolio, or strategy you choose to follow. Once you initiate a trade, automated trading execution will handle the process without requiring any manual intervention from you. All activities related to the Copy Trading Service are governed by the Terms of Service, which outline the usage and functionality of the platform.
In our Terms of Service, we clarify that we do not guarantee the filling of any orders you place. Orders may be delayed due to circumstances beyond our control, including system processing issues, hardware or software failures, or market conditions related to liquidity and volatility. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for ensuring that orders are executed at the exact price specified in your order if delays or conditions impact order transmission or execution. It is crucial for users to understand these risks when using our platform for trading.
Copin does not provide any guarantees regarding the reliability or performance of copy trading systems offered by third-party platform providers. Using third-party platforms is entirely at your own risk. You must acknowledge that Copin is not responsible for any deficiencies, errors, misrepresentations, or misconduct on the part of these third-party platform providers.
Furthermore, Copin will not be liable for refunding lost profits due to platform errors, regardless of the circumstances. Neither Copin, nor its officers, principals, employees, or agents will be liable for any losses, damages, costs, or expenses (including, but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of use, direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages) arising from errors in the Copy Trade Platform. Users should be aware of these risks and take full responsibility when engaging with third-party providers.
Last updated
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