Connect Bitget API
Link with your Bitget account through API key. All your assets and your positions are managed by Bitget.
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Link with your Bitget account through API key. All your assets and your positions are managed by Bitget.
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Register a Bitget account: (Referral code: 1qlg
Click on your wallet in the top right-hand corner of the screen and go to the "Wallet Management" tab or visit
Click "Create" at " Bitget Exchange" to start linking your Bitget Exchange account to through API key.
The connection process involves:
Bitget Account Setup
Create an account, unless you already have one.
Identify Verification
Identity Verification or Know Your Customer (KYC) standards are required for all users of Bitget.
API Key Creation
Generate an API key for Copin Analyzer integration.
Fund Deposit and Transfer
Deposit funds into Bitget and transfer them to your future account.
For any difficulties, we invite you to join the community where our admin team is ready to assist.
Step 1: Sign up for a Bitget account.
To create a new account on Bitget, you must first visit the Bitget website.
Then click on the "Sign up" button to get started.
Step 2: Account Registration
You can choose to register either with your email address or your telephone number
Enter a secure password
Use the referral code 1qlg for initial account benefits.
Accept the User Agreement and Privacy Policy
Click on "Create Account"
Step 3: Confirm your account
After submitting the registration form, you will be asked to verify your account. Bitget will send a verification email containing a confirmation link.
Click on this link to activate your account.
Step 1: Access the Identity Verification Page
Click on your profile in the top right-hand corner of the screen and go to the "Identify Verification" tab or visit
Then click on "Verify" to perform Level 1 verification.
Step 2: Complete KYC
Fill in your personal details, such as country/region, first name, last name and provide an official identity document such as ID card or driver's license.
Once you've provided this information, take a photo of both sides of your identity document and take a selfie using either your webcam or your Bitget mobile application. Avoid wearing glasses or a hat, and make sure you are exposed to good light.
After submitting your selfie, you will receive a notification that your KYC verification information has been successfully submitted.
Step 1: Access the API keys page
Click on your profile in the top right-hand corner of the screen and go to the "API keys" tab or visit
Read and agree to Bitget's API Keys Terms & Conditions
Step 2: Create API Key
Click "Create API Key"
Click "System-generated"
Step 3: Modify API Info
Choose a simple, memorable note for easy identification.
Create "Passphrase (API token)" API
Select "Read-write"
Ensure only "Orders", "Holdings" and "Trade" are selected.
Step 4: Final Security Confirmation
Complete the process with a final security verification then "Confirm".
The Access APIKey and SecretKey are displayed, so let's copy and fill in Copin Wallet Management
Step 5: Complete creating Bitget Wallet on
Fill Bitget API Key, Secret Key and Pass Phrase you just created in the previous step.
Step 1: Make a deposit on Bitget
Before you start copy trading, you'll need to make a deposit into your BITGET account. You can choose between several methods for depositing money into your account: cryptocurrency deposit, credit/debit card, P2P, Third Party or bank transfer.
Depending on the method you choose, Bitget will give you the steps to follow to make your deposit.
Step 2: Transfer funds to Futures account
Head to the "Assets Overview".
Click "Transfer"
Input the USDT amount into "Transfer Amount" then Confirm
After transferring funds to your Futures Account on Bitget, you are ready to begin the process of copy trading on
A: Check if you have granted the necessary permissions when creating the API Key, select 'Read-Write', 'Orders', 'Holdings', and 'Trades'. Then, make sure you have transferred funds to your Futures account.
A: Choose 'System-generated API key'.
A: Always set up copy trades (Margin) with an amount smaller than the balance in your Bitget Futures account to ensure orders are executed. For example: If the balance in your Futures account is $3000, you should set up copy trades with Margin < $3000.
A: You don't need to fill in anything and can skip this section to proceed.